Basic Information

The working language is English.
All submitted contributions will be subject to a peer-review process.
At least one of the authors is supposed to take part in the conference.

Step 1: Before submission

Step 2: Submission

Step 3: After acceptance

Step 4: Instructions for participants

Types of Contribution

The International Conference on Process Control accepts two types of submissions:
full papers (nominally 6 pages),
abstract-only submissions (not exceeding 250 words).

Accepted full papers will be submitted to IEEEXplore (indexed in WoS and Scopus).

Abstract-only submissions are ideal for presenting preliminary results or sharing ideas. Please note, that abstract-only submissions will only appear in the Conference Proceedings (including assigned ISBN), but will NOT be submitted to IEEEXplore.

Format of Full Paper

Please use the templates provided by the IEEE:
for both, the initial submission and for final full papers.

Authors are required to submit the full paper in PDF format.
The PDF file must not contain page numbering or any headers and footers. The size of the pages must be set to “A4”.
The page limit for submissions is 8 pages for the initial submission and 6 pages for the final version. Please note, that submissions over 6-page limit (up to a maximum limit of 8 pages) lead to an additional charge of EUR 80 per page.

Authors have the option to select a preference for presentation format (lecture or poster presentation), although the organizers will make a final decision based on an effective overall program design.

Format of Abstract-Only Submissions

Abstracts not exceeding 250 words are to be submitted as plain text with no special formatting, and no LaTeX processing and/or other formatting is allowed. Peer review will be based on the abstract only.

Submission of Contributions

All the contributions will be submitted through the online
conference management system.

Awards Candidates

Several prestigious awards will be granted at the conference.
Please, indicate during the submission of the full paper:
Candidate for the Best Paper by Female Researcher Award
– if the leading author is a female researcher,
Best Paper by Young Author Award
– if the leading author is a young researcher under 35 years.

Please, visit the Awards page for further information


Please, visit the Registration page for further information.

Instruction for Speakers

Accepted contributions can be presented as a regular talk or as a poster.


Use a 16:9 aspect ratio for your presentation. Recommended file formats are PPTX (PowerPoint) and PDF (Acrobat Reader).

Each regular lecture should remain within the allotted 20-minute time slot for questions/answers in total. It is critical to stay on schedule.

We recommend preparing a 17-minute talk with 3 minutes for questions.

The laptop and accessories will be set up in the conference room before the presentation (A windows-based laptop with PowerPoint/Acrobat Reader applications, and a wireless remote with a laser pointer).

Poster Presentation

Print the poster on A1 paper size, in the portrait orientation.

Place your poster before 20:00 on the Poster Session at the correct place indicated by your poster ID.

Remove your poster before 12:30 on the following day.

Vote for the Best Poster Award:

  • Scan the QR code at the poster during the poster display time or login to the CMS system anytime via the web browser (look for the tab “Conference”).
  • Assign 1 to 5 stars (5 points for the best) to any poster except for the posters you co-authored.
  • Deadline: the voting system is open until Thursday at 1:00 pm.
  • The award winner will be announced at the Closing Ceremony on Friday (June, 6).


For further questions related to the guidelines and requirements feel free to contact the conference office.