Payment Information

The payments of registration fees are handled by the company Optimal Control Labs, s.r.o, registered with the ID: 51769395 at the Business Register Court of the Slovak Republic. All fees must be paid in Euro in full using bank transfer or by a credit/debit card after registration. Payment confirmation will be sent immediately after processing the payment.

Registration fees

Regular registration (including 2 papers):

  • Early bird: 580 EUR
  • Late: 680 EUR

Student registration (including 1 paper):

  • Early bird: 420 EUR
  • Late: 520 EUR

IEEE Members:

  • reduction of registration fee: 10 %

Page limit:

  • submissions over a 6-page limit (up to a maximum limit of 8 pages) lead to an additional charge of 80 EUR per page.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

We understand that unforeseen circumstances may prevent registered participants from attending the symposium. In such cases, we provide a relatively benevolent cancellation and refund policy.

If the cancellation and refund request is filed until March 15, 2025, the registration fees will be refunded in full.
Cancellation and refund requests filed between March 15, 2025 and April 30, 2025, will be honored, but they are subject to a €205 charge (€70 administrative fee and €135 of organization expense).

Unfortunately, due to budget structure and contracts with other partners involved with conference organization, no refunds can be offered for cancellation after April 30, 2025. 


If you have any questions or problems with the registration, please contact directly Martin Klaučo (NOC Chair) at